So I use to do an update every month when Jules was hitting milestone after milestone, day after day but things have slowed down now so I'm going to try and do one every three months. We have something to celebrate each month from October all the way to June every year so this time of year is always a little busy to say the least. That's fine though, it keeps my mind off of how fast she...
Play Kitchen
4:37 PM
I've had so many ask questions about how I revamped Juliet's play kitchen so I thought I'd do a quick post with a few pictures with sources. The kitchen orignally belonged to our nephews and Joey's sister so kindly let us have it since Jules didn't have a play kitchen yet. We fixed it up after we moved into the new house and gave it to her for Easter last year. We've added things...
Snow Day
12:25 PM
We weren't expecting snow so soon in the year. We usually get one, maybe two snows a year between January and March, and this year it came early! Friday night when we went to bed, it was just sleeting and we were starting to doubt the forecast of 4-8 inches by morning. Nevertheless, we sat our boots out by the door in hopes that we would wake up to a Winter wonderland! Not...
Christmas 2016
2:38 PM
We started our trip to Mississippi for Christmas at 2:30 in the morning on Christmas Eve. One thing I've always loved about my hubs is that he is totally up for spontaneity. We went out for dinner that night and when we got back home he suggested that he sleep for a few hours and then we leave in the middle of the night. I had everything pretty much ready to go so why not start...