So I use to do an update every month when Jules was hitting milestone after milestone, day after day but things have slowed down now so I'm going to try and do one every three months. We have something to celebrate each month from October all the way to June every year so this time of year is always a little busy to say the least. That's fine though, it keeps my mind off of how fast she is growing up.
She's quiet and methodical by nature. Everything she does is with deep thought and concentration. She a sensory seeking little girl that loves putting stickers on her lips and smelling every thing. She still signs most of her words but will, very enthusiastically, praise you when you finally guess what she wants by saying,"that's right" or "that's it"! She's still turning down any kind of meat and inhaling all the carbs she can find. (She get it from her mama.) However, she'll at least always try it before spitting it out all over her clothes. She hugs and kisses everyone and anyone that speaks to her so we buy antibacterial in bulk. Drawing, writing, coloring, painting, play-doh, and stickers/magnets are her favorite things to play with right now and will gladly share with you for approximately 2.5 seconds.

These are definitely the good ol' days even when the food goes flying or when she gets in the tub fully dressed while the water is still running. I try to remember one special thing from each day and I hope she does to. I'll leave you with this cute little clip of her dancing in her diaper the other night. The foot work is absolutely adorable and she is sure to be the big ticket item at the nursing home Valentine's Day dance when she's older.
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