Before the big day gets here, I wanted to share a few favorite recipes for anyone interested in some last minute menu ideas. We're having Thanksgiving lunch/dinner (and 2nd dinner) at our house this year so we started the cooking and baking early this morning! Since this is the first year that we are actually hosting Thanksgiving, we're hoping to create a few new traditions... like...
Friday Favorites
6:48 AM
I think everyone is so ready for the weekend and to have a nice relaxing time with family next week! But before we sign off for the weekend and start the feast-tivities I wanted to share a few Friday favorites! (And a couple can be incorporated into your Thanksgiving plans!)
This movie. How can I possibly wait 4 more months?
These pretty dishtowels would complement any Thanksgiving...
Thanksgiving Day Style
10:39 AM
Only one week until turkey day! We can't wait! We are planning on taking family pictures that morning for our Christmas card so I've started thinking about coordinating outfits that be cute for pictures and something that would be comfortable for us to spend the day wearing. I'm sure we will ALL end up in sweatpants by third lunch, but at least we'll start the day out by attempting to...
Weekend Trip to the Mountains
8:28 PM
We had a quick, spur-of-the-moment getaway this past weekend to the Smokey mountains with our family. My husband's sisters went with their families, plus his Dad, to celebrate a few birthdays coming up and simply relax and enjoy the view. Juliet loved spending time playing with her cousins and feeling like a big kid. We did lots of exploring and skipping rocks, as well as played...
Halloween Weekend
4:22 PM
I just want to say... this year was definitely fun, but I can't. wait. until next Halloween.
We decided not to take Juliet Trick-or-Treating this year since she still doesn't really understand it all yet. We DID take her to a festival Saturday morning, though. Her favorite thing there was the clown making balloon animals. We asked for an orange kitty cat since it correlated...
Juliet's 2nd Birthday Kitty Cat Party
1:42 PM
We just finished cleaning up the tissue paper off the floor and ice cream off our faces from Juliet's 2nd birthday! It has been the 2nd fastest year of my life but definitely the most fun by far.
The party was centered around a "kitten" theme that, by the end, took a retro turn. She loved the basket full of kittens and started "meowing" the second that she saw them so I knew...