*Month 13*

10:09 AM
It's beginning to get really cold out and Thanksgiving plans are well underway!  We are home for Thanksgiving this year, no travel plans... we're saving those for Christmas.  This month has been pretty low key; putting out Fall decor, ordering Christmas cards, and doing the mundane everyday chores that seem to consume my life at times.  HA! Age:  13 months Stats:  21...

Holiday Jams

8:30 PM
Even if you haven't decorated for Christmas, I'm sure most of you are already listening to Christmas music!  It's hard for me to listen to these jolly jingles and not want to throw tinsel everywhere.  Therefore, we're actually putting up the tree this weekend!  The 'real' reason is because we are using it in our Christmas card picture and I need to get those ordered!  Shutterfly...

*Month 12*

7:52 PM
This completes her first year of monthly documentation.  I can still remember getting her dressed and laying her down on her furry rug to take her first month picture... I was so worried about the rug being itchy and scratchy on her sweet baby skin.  Now we've gotta think about how to take next years pictures, 'cause this whole "ok, you lay down here and be very still while I snap a picture"...

Fall Favorites

10:33 AM
We've still been wearing Halloween pjs over here, (except for Joey). We weren't ready to say goodbye to them just yet.  However, I AM THAT person that is blasphemed on social media every year after Halloween.  Haha!  As soon as November 1st is here, we start planning Christmas details and listening to Christmas music from breakfast 'til dinner.  (Well, the whole Christmas music...

Amok! Amok! Amok, Amok, Amok!

7:55 PM
Happy Halloween from our little dear deer!   This is simply the best time of year.  I love our neighborhood on Halloween night!   We have a ton of trick-or-treaters and it's definitely a night of children frolicking and running amok! This clip from Hocus Pocus... when  Sarah Jessica Parker gets carried away on "Hallow's Eve" is the best. We...