Juliet's Birth Day

10:56 AM
Juliet Frances Lishia ~ October 26th ~ 7:44 pm 
7 lbs 1 oz ~ 21 inches

  First and foremost, thank you all so much for the sweet posts and comments on Juliet's birth.  I enjoyed reading all of your well wishes and kind words... especially in the wee hours of the morning during feedings! :)  Delivery and recovery have been very kind to me and I feel so very blessed to have had this experience.

So without further adieu, here is the reader's digest version of our sweet Juliet's birth day...

     Sleeping comfortably at night had become a thing of the past, so I had slept downstairs Saturday night in the recliner.  I was sleeping very soundly when my water broke early Sunday morning around 5:50 am.  I didn't want to wake anyone up just yet because I wasn't 100% sure, so I snuck upstairs and called the hospital.  After answering 1 million questions, (one being- had I been in an ebola affected area in the past 21 days...), I was put on hold and the lady on the other end contacted my doctor.  When she came back on the line she stated in a very chipper voice, "Brittany, your doctor said to come on in".  I was stunned.  I couldn't believe it was actually happening.  (I'm not use to waiting 10 months for something that I want!)  :)  I quickly woke my mom and Joey up from their slumber to tell them the exciting news and we headed out!

     I was to the hospital and into an elegant pink hospital gown by 7:30 am.  They verified that I was indeed in labor by 9:45 and it was now safe to say, the party was officially starting!  We began calling and texting friends and family to let them know the news.  The day went by so extremely fast and to be honest, time hasn't seemed to slow down much since!  :(  I tried to enjoy each moment while there, but it slipped by so quickly.

     By 11:00, I had not dilated much at all.  My nurse assigned me "homework" while she left the room for a bit.  I had to walk the halls for an hour and then roll around on a yoga ball during contractions after the walk.  Again, not much change, so they started pitocin.  By 5:00, I had had an epidural and all was well in the world again.  The anesthetist had to administer the epidural twice and it wouldn't have been so bad, but I had 3 contractions during the procedure.  Not a picnic.

      I didn't have long to relax and enjoy that wonderful heavy feeling in my legs before I started feeling our little one making her entrance into the world.  Juliet was exactly 1 week late, but when she was ready to join us- she meant she was coming, and NOW!  At this point my entire body started shaking and I knew my adrenaline was kicking in..  Joey & I held hands as we prayed that our little girl would come into the world safely and QUICKLY!  We knew this was it.  My nurses were yelling at me, telling me not to push and one ran out to get my doctor.  A few minutes later he walked in with the biggest smile on his face and all the cheerleaders nurses got ready!  They very quickly briefed me on how things were going to go and finally they gave me the go ahead to start pushing!  
Which was music to my ears.  
There was such an excitement in the room.  I'll never forget how chatty and encouraging the nurses were and how calm and happy my doctor was...  After what felt like an eternity, she was born at 7:44 pm in the 4th quarter of the Steeler vs. Colts game. (It was playing in the background... or so I was told.)  I couldn't help but sob uncontrollably when they laid her on my chest.  It was definitely one of the best moments of my life!

     Dr. Barnes with Dad and Juliet.  I had the sweetest and most attentive nurses as well as a very sharp doctor for delivery.  

     The rest of our stay at the hospital was so enjoyable; spending time with family and snuggling with Juliet.  The first night we got a whopping 3 hours of sleep, but didn't care- all I wanted to do was stare at this little miracle that God had entrusted us to take care of and love.  I will never forget these first little moments as a family of three.  

We are so blessed and thank God everyday 
for such a perfect little girl, {in mommy and daddy's eyes}.  


The Lishias


38 Weeks & A Letter to Our Girl

2:35 PM

It's October!  Your birth month... just don't know the exact day (which is torture)!  So because we don't know when you will make your grand arrival, we thought we might better go on a last date night before becoming mom and dad.  This whole pregnancy has gone by so fast.  I will miss your sweet kicks and feeling you hiccup after I eat.  So far, you have shown us no signs of wanting to come out any time soon so enjoy being safe in my belly a while longer little girl, but just know that I can't wait to hold you and kiss those sweet cheeks!  You are already SO loved by SO many.  We are all waiting on pins and needles ready for you to get here.  See you soon our sweet Juliet!



Third Trimester Updates

Sleep:  I've been able to sleep throughout this entire pregnancy.  However, I've been told that I "saw logs" quite frequently. For the past couple weeks I've been waking up every night around 4.  I can set my clock by it.  That's also the time of night that I would feel queasy during my first trimester... Makes me wonder when this little one will make her appearance.  
Belly Button:  Still in, but pretty much invisible & closed shut. LOL!  
Maternity Clothing:  I love what I bought.  I have only purchased a couple dresses, no tops really- they were all given to me, and 3 pairs of pants.  All very versatile.  I bought lots of blacks and grays and were able to wear it all with different jewelry, scarves, and other accessories.   
Weird Moments:  Random hiccups!  I hiccup all. the. time.  At random moments and just once or twice.  I'm really hoping that it all stops once she's here.  
Best Moments:  All the showers and gifts from my friends and family!  She is so loved and it warms my heart!
Cravings:  Ice.  I chew ice constantly! AND Watermelon... Like, hand-the-cashier-an-empty-watermelon-container kind of craving.  
Weight Gain:  30 lbs.- 15 of that is in my nose and face!
Looking Forward to:  Seeing her dressed in all her cute holiday outfits with the beautiful bows I've bought for her.  It's sad how excited I am about dressing my baby for holidays and just every days. :)


The Lishias

Packing the Hospital Bag (or Bags)

8:46 PM

As of last month we have her room all ready for her and now this month, her bag is all packed for the hospital!  Packing our hospital bag was kind of like buying the tree at Christmas, it's so much fun getting ready for the BIG day!  Here's a list of everything I've packed or will pack for baby Juliet, Joey, and myself.  

My Bag //  
                robe                                            Colace                             
pj tops and bottoms                    dry shampoo
1 nursing bras                             deodorant
                going home outfit and shoes       soap
                shower shoes                              mascara
                heating pad                                 foundation
headbands                                   concealer
hair ties                                       bronzer
hairbrush/comb   chapstick
toothbrush/toothpaste/gum         body spray/lotion
face towelettes                            breast pads

Baby's Bag  //
baby hat with matching swaddle blankets
going home outfit
heavier blanket

Dad's Bag //
change of clothes
                shower shoes
protein bars
blanket and pillow
phone and charger
Other //
insurance card
photo id
cell phone and charger
camera battery charger

*Added to list after I had Juliet: Bring an extra bag for all the things the hospital gives you when you go home and a neck pillow!  Best of luck for all you mamas packing your bag right about now!


The Lishias

Nursery Tour

3:09 PM
Well, ready or not she'll be here in T-minus 7 weeks tops.  Seems like a lifetime away; I'm so ready to meet her!  I've been told that I definitely have the "first mommy syndrome", and I'm claiming it proudly.  :)  Pretty much everything is done and we are all just patiently awaiting her arrival.  So get ready for photo overload, we've finally completed her nursery (for now).  You can also see all the pictures of her nursery on Project Nursery's website, here.

     I will eventually hang curtains, (in my entire house), someday but for now this will do.  I'm also contemplating whether or not to hang the pictures on the wall...  I haven't found enough things or prints to create a gallery wall just yet.  To hang or not to hang...?

To Do:
Paint room (Opaline by Sherwin Williams)
Purchase all furniture
Buy a rug
Hang shelving (for books)
Stock changing table
Make and hang tissue paper pom poms
Buy and hang artwork
Make mobile
Organize closet
Mount camera for monitor

Still need:  
Trash can
Bed skirt
More pops of poppy red color


The Lishias