Juliet's Birth Day

10:56 AM
Juliet Frances Lishia ~ October 26th ~ 7:44 pm  7 lbs 1 oz ~ 21 inches       First and foremost, thank you all so much for the sweet posts and comments on Juliet's birth.  I enjoyed reading all of your well wishes and kind words... especially in the wee hours of the morning during feedings! :)  Delivery and recovery have been very kind to me and I feel so...

38 Weeks & A Letter to Our Girl

2:35 PM
It's October!  Your birth month... just don't know the exact day (which is torture)!  So because we don't know when you will make your grand arrival, we thought we might better go on a last date night before becoming mom and dad.  This whole pregnancy has gone by so fast.  I will miss your sweet kicks and feeling you hiccup after I eat.  So far, you have shown us no signs...

Packing the Hospital Bag (or Bags)

8:46 PM
As of last month we have her room all ready for her and now this month, her bag is all packed for the hospital!  Packing our hospital bag was kind of like buying the tree at Christmas, it's so much fun getting ready for the BIG day!  Here's a list of everything I've packed or will pack for baby Juliet, Joey, and myself.   My Bag //            ...

Nursery Tour

3:09 PM
Well, ready or not she'll be here in T-minus 7 weeks tops.  Seems like a lifetime away; I'm so ready to meet her!  I've been told that I definitely have the "first mommy syndrome", and I'm claiming it proudly.  :)  Pretty much everything is done and we are all just patiently awaiting her arrival.  So get ready for photo overload, we've finally completed her nursery (for...