It's absolutely insane looking at before and after pictures of our kitchen. The kitchen was the first renovation that we began after moving into our house last year and you can find progress posts here, here, and here. We took our time and made sure each decision that we made was exactly what we wanted. The time waiting was worth it and I'm so excited about all the baking...
It's not going in our yard, Russ. It's going in our living room."
10:00 PM
The weekend after Thanksgiving is ultimately our favorite weekend out of the year. Full of leftovers, naps, and putting up the Christmas tree! This is the first year that we've bought a real tree and we couldn't wait to get out the door and head to the tree farm lot to pick out the perfect one. We spotted it within minutes and they loaded it up for us... on my wagon,...
2:04 PM
We had another awesome Thanksgiving over here and hope you all did as well! We're still recovering from a pumpkin pie and whipped cream food coma... I know, so very whole 30 of us, right?! Every year we kick off the morning with the Thanksgiving day parade plus cinnamon rolls and bacon by the fire. We also get the oven preheated for the turkey and all the fixins'. ...
Juliet's Sarah & Duck 3rd Birthday
9:05 PM
We celebrated our sweet girl last month with a little party at home with her cousins, donuts at school with her friends, and going to see Elsa and Anna in the Disney on Ice's Frozen production.
We invited family over the Saturday before her birthday for a laid-back dinner, just to relax and enjoy being together. We bought lasagnas from an italian market in our neighborhood...
Hello, November
8:53 AM
We are so glad slow November is finally here! Our lives have been a blur the past couple of months and I've done a horrible job of keeping up with the blog in the meanwhile. We've had birthdays, vacations, first days of school, house projects, and lots of fun weekends since I last posted. In light of the new year just around the corner, I decided to give the blog a much-needed...
Easy Weeknight Dinners
5:03 PM
School starts next week for Juliet and myself and it's the first time in 2 years that I've worked so this is all going to be a balancing act at first... God be with us. Time management has never been my strong suit so this will all be very interesting. Either way we are back to the routine of getting home late and going to bed early so dinners need to be quick and easy.
Summer Movie Bucket List
1:22 PM
July and August usually brings a lot of evening thunderstorms to the East coast and it's one of my favorite things about Summer around here. We've usually spent the day out and about or outside playing, so the rain starting in the evening gives us the best excuse to ignore the dinner dishes and turn on a movie! We sat down the other night and added a few Summery movies to the queue that...