I don't know what is more shocking, that I'm about to celebrate my third Mother's Day or that my little girl is almost three!  In the meantime, the terrible twos have definitely shown up to the party.  She can go from having a hissy fit in the aisle at Target to giving you hugs and kisses out of the blue all, in a matterd of seconds. So it's true what they say, little girls really are sugar AND spice.

The biggest moment for us lately has been when she had a health scare back in March and had to be hospitalized for several days.

We're beyond relieved to be able to write that everything is fine and she's the perfect picture of health but these next few snapshots are from when she was feeling quite the opposite... it was so hard seeing her this sick, but it's good to be reminded of where you've been so you can be thankful for where you are.

The first picture was taken when she was at her worst and weakest; right before the doctor came in to do the procedure.  The ER nurse had let me borrow an iPad that had all the songs from Frozen downloaded onto it and that kept her focused and somewhat alert.  The second picture was right after the procedure and we were headed to recovery.  The last picture was taken 2 days later and she was feeling back to herself again... hence the boots, balloons, and silly face.   

She has started protesting naps and bedtime somewhat but we are still doing a good job on potty training so there's that... or as Juliet would say, a"guh-sob".  She is the most loving little girl I know.  I'm convinced her love language is/will be physical touch because we all get approximately 2,359 hugs and kisses a day.

Juliet- 2.5 years Favorites

clothing- Her rain boots and headbands
toy- Calico Critters... she will literally play with these things for an entire day.
food- Nutella sandwiches...  preferably with added marshmallow cream.  
song- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Theme song from Winnie the Pooh
snack- Strawberry yogurt
pastime- playing in the sink with measuring cups and spoons or play Mario Run on my iPhone
outdoor activity- throwing rocks into the creek that runs through our yard and I'm going to predict that the sprinkler will be a HUGE hit in a few weeks.  
color- Weh-Woah *yellow*
character/movie- We don't have cable/satellite so most of what she watches is either YouTube videos or Winnie the Pooh on Netflix, but we're starting to introduce her to different characters that are for older toddlers like Olivia, Max and Ruby, Berenstain Bears, and WordWorld.

We stay up late now-a-nights laughing about things she did or said during the day.  She sings and jabbers in her own little language non stop all day, which she thinks we should be able to understand.  She loves pretending that she's a cat by meowing and licking the closest thing to her, including you or the playground equipment.  Gag.  She's still the pickiest eater of all time, but we still offer her everything under the sun.  What's crazy is that she use to eat EVERYTHING we put on her plate then at 20 months she slowly started refusing things until now she basically just eats carbs, fruit, yogurt, and Nutella by the jar full.  Nutella for life.  Which, by the way, these Nutella french toast rollups are amazing and you've got to try them this weekend for your Mother's Day brunch!

Speaking of Mother's Day, I wish all you Mamas reading this a very Happy Mother's Day this Sunday!  My Mom and I already snuck in early pedicures before things get crazy this weekend at all the nail salons and I'm so glad we did.  Our local salon is always a madhouse on Mother's Day weekend and Valentine's Day.  Make sure you take some time out for yourself this weekend too.. just to celebrate you and ALL you do.

Thanks for following along and keeping in touch.  Have a wonderful weekend with the ones you love most!


The Lishias