It isn't our official start of summer, but who would pass up a weekend getaway with friends?! It was our second annual Memorial Day trip to Ocean Isle, NC with a group of Charlotte friends. The weather was a sporadic mess, but it did allow us about 2-4 hours of beach time each day. Juliet loved the water... Well, until she fell face-first into it! Mom of the year, right here....
*Month 19*
8:35 AM
My baby isn't a baby anymore. She started walking on the 17th of May and is getting stronger everyday! We're not sure what exactly caused the delay, but we're thankful that she finally decided to start on her own. She is a very independent and observant little being that amazes us daily with things that she is learning.
Age: 19 months
Stats: 22 lbs 8 oz
Shedding the Shed
7:00 AM
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain broken down shed there... in about 3 minutes it will be gone. It was a later addition to the house, we're thinking mid 1990s because of comments from neighbors. It was a weirdly shaped, white box that made you think of the word "goiter" when you looked at it. Inside it housed our pool pump & pool supplies- we were secretly...
Updating Juliet's Room
8:25 PM
With all those changes going on, I wanted to move on to something a little bit more "fun" and impractical. (And of course... my mind went straight to Jules.) When we moved, we got rid of her wooden & very large, poppy red dresser because... 1- we didn't want to fool with moving big bulky furniture this time around and 2- we knew that in the new house her room would serve...
Fireplace (Re)-Finished
7:44 AM
Anyone want to guess which one we chose??? Drum roll............. This one!!!
We decided to go with white. It's clean, simple, and since we're not sure what paint color the living room/dining room will eventually be, we figured it was a safe bet. We wanted to go ahead and do it before we began the/any "decor" process because we knew it was going to clean up the area and make...
Toddler Room & Playroom Sources
8:19 PM
Rug // Make Believe Banner // Curtains // Star Pillow // Stools // Quilt // Honey Pillow // Doggie Stuffed Animals // Swiss Dotted Crib Sheet // Feather Hook
Dalmatian Painting // Bassett Hound Painting // Garland // Make Believe...