Age: 15 months
Stats: 22 lbs 4 oz
Sleep: Sleeps through the night... except for the 2nd week in January when she got 4 molars at the same time. No one got much sleep that week.
Clothing: She's growing out of the 12-18 month pants we've bought her. She's so tall. However, I technically have no idea how tall she actually is other than she's the exact height as our dining table.
Favorite Foods: Pizza, turkey, roasted red pepper humus, veggie straws, poptarts, meatballs, mandarin oranges, Pirate's Booty, all-beef hotdog wieners and cucumbers.
Favorite Activities: Turning the pages in her books. Playing with straws. She knows where my stash of paper straws are in the pantry and she loves to get in there and pull them all out; one by one. She likes to brush her hair. Also, climbing. We can't keep this girl off the kitchen table. (It's so hard to be consistent when they do it over and over.) We simply have to redirect her attention to something else and we have to do this about 20+ times a day. Putting together puzzles and playing in the tupperware drawer. Her new favorite thing to watch along with George, Kipper, and Pooh is Emmy and Max from Dragon Tales. She absolutely LOVES the dragons! We think Zak and Weezie might be her favorites. (She waves and giggles at them mostly.) She's also known to sit through an episode or two of HGTV.
Favorite Things:
Funny Things I Do: Cutting her eyes to Daddy when I tell her "no, no" as if to say, "he'll say yes". Sometimes when she stands up she'll just stand there with her arms dangling down and her back humped like a little monkey... so cute. She makes the best faces. She has realized lately that she has a tongue and she'll stretch her mouth open as wide as she can and stick her tongue out. It's hysterical looking. (But then she tries to take her tongue out of her mouth.) And she still loves putting random things on her head and it leave us in stitches... clothes, blankets, headbands, and lately, plastic plates.
Other Milestones: Walking around toys and furniture one-handed. Standing for longer periods of time. She understands "Come here" and "No, No". She has started using a spoon the right way. It no longer gets slung across the room like a comet with a yogurt tail. She also "pretends" that she's eating by smacking her lips together when she's playing with her toy spoons and forks.
What a month! Juliet got to see snow for the first time. It did snow last year, but we didn't take her out into it. We stayed inside where it was warm and cozy. I remember getting "the call" last year saying that we wouldn't have school and I was so excited to get a day home with my baby. This picture was taken that night. Crazy to think it was a year ago.
Last year
This year
Having fun at Pappy's (New Years)
Shopping for houses
Making coffee
Walking with Daddy
Being silly in pigtails
Went to sleep in her pirate hat