Age: 15 months
Stats: 22 lbs 4 oz
Sleep: Sleeps through the night... except for the 2nd week in January when she got 4 molars at the same time. No one got much sleep that week.
Clothing: She's growing out of the 12-18 month pants we've bought her. She's so tall. However, I technically have no idea how tall she actually is other than...
Complimentary Foods for Lunch, Dinner, & Dessert.
9:36 AM
Over the past two days, we've mostly stayed inside because of the 2 inches of snow and slush that's frozen on the roads. However, we did find a pizza place that was open yesterday... Made for a fun napkin lunch while we all unthawed from playing in the snow outside. To keep from going crazy, I whipped up a few recipes to compliment some foods we had leftover in the fridge.
Valentine's Day Prep & Big News!
9:25 AM
Relax, I'm not pregnant. The big news is that our house went on the market Monday night! Ok, well it's big news for us. We're not sure where we're moving to, but we're excited. (More like half scared/half excited.) We've lived in this house for 3 years. That's 3 years of memories: holidays, graduations, parties, bringing home baby, etc., so it'll definitely be...