*11 months*

9:37 PM
Just over the past couple days I've watched Juliet become more independent and not only inquisitive, but adventurous.  She's testing her limits when it comes to mobility but she's a very careful and cautious girl, though.  She'll move very slowly when she's unsure and squint and blink her eyes if something is in her "bubble".  She hasn't taken any steps, but we're buying her a babydoll pram for her birthday that may encourage her to take a few!  We're a month away from her birthday and we're all very excited.  Also, as you can tell in the picture, she's getting really hard to photograph.  They usually have blurry arms and/or legs but always a sweet smile.  

She loves putting things on her head.  She took my cap, put it on her head and this happened.  Perfection.

Having a piano duel with her buddy before our road trip to Ohio to visit Joey's baby sister and her family for Labor Day weekend.

{30 minutes into the road trip}

Watermelon on a hot day is way better while sitting on the counter.

Her newest baby cousin, Harper.

Some nights we have to read ALL the books.

{Exploring reflective objects}

{Game. Face.}  Bring it Pats!

We took her 1 year photos this month with Princesse and the Pea photography.  Elise has taken all of Juliet's pictures so far and we love her work.  Can't wait to share more!

Happy First Day of Fall!

9:01 AM
It's always a little bittersweet letting Summer go.  I love Fall and the newness that it brings, but I love the laziness of Summer too- (not to mention all the free time that we have with Daddy to do whatever we want).  This was Juliet's first summer and because of that it will always be a precious time in my mind.  Fall always makes me think of school supplies, pumpkin patches, and apple orchards!  However, for us, it's mostly the time of year for repainting and repairing our patio and porch furniture, saying hello to long-lost warm comfy sweaters and gaining extra pounds from all the yummy Fall-flavored recipes I find on Pinterest.  I will miss Summer and miss seeing Juliet's chubby legs hanging out of summer bloomers, cooking out in the backyard, and hearing the ice cream truck roll through the neighborhood in the evenings.  Many great memories were made and I'm very thankful.

Happy first day of Fall everybody!

Spooky Finds

10:28 AM
Flashing back to our Halloween last year, we spent most of the day at the EENT doctor and the rest of it was spent nursing, eating cupcakes, refilling the candy bucket, and staying up way past our bedtime watching Halloween movies.  She was only 5 days old, but you better believe that we found the time to throw some candy in a bowl for our sweet neighborhood kids!  Halloween is such a huge event in our neighborhood and it's always so fun to see all the littles in their creative costumes.  So from 5-8 we peeked through the blinds to creep on all the cuties.  We kept giggling because we could hear all the tween girls "awww" and "gasp" at the huge pink stork in our front yard while saying, "ahhh- there's a baby in there... awww"! 

This year we will be celebrating this fun time of year, more than likely, like the rest of you- with fall scented candles, fun pajamas, football, and pumpkin everything.  Here are a couple of our favorites from this year's Halloween shops!  And yes, we do start celebrating holidays 1-2 months in advance.  Hey- Don't judge... you should be impressed with my ability to say no to Christmas music in September!  

Also, I'd love to hear of any Halloween traditions that you have with your kiddos; such as, movies, treats, parties, etc.  Enjoy this fun time with your little ones!