Easter Weekend

11:26 AM
Juliet's interest in Easter is still mostly because of the Easter bunny and all the eggs but the love is definitely there.  We woke up and ate a quick breakfast before getting ready for church and diving into easter baskets.  Juliet got a new lovie, (since we lost her horse that she bonded with while in the hospital on our last trip to Wilmington), Tegu blocks, a night light, bunny ears,...

For the Easter Basket

3:45 PM
I haven't done a post in, what feels like, forever... so what better way to start things hopping again than an Easter post!  (Pun intended.)  I know it's officially Spring, but we are finally getting actual Spring weather and it's so refreshing.  I always love playing the Easter Bunny this time of year, especially with Jules getting older!   It's also nice to focus on something...