*Month 17*

7:42 AM
March 2016 We've made it through the fourth molar popping through, moving into a new bedroom, a holiday, and an unexplained fever since month 16 but we made it!  Month 17... how in the world?  This girl is silly, smarter than we give her credit for, and not afraid to wave and speak to anyone.  (And I mean anyone!)  She says "hi" to everyone; everywhere and more than once. Age:...

Springtime Playlist

6:17 PM
Since we have moved the weather has been unbelievably gorgeous with a few evenings of sprinkling rain, which is so peaceful to listen to through the screened in porch.  This time change though... Getting up a dark:thirty has been so hard, but having the extra hour of daylight is nice!  We love being outside here; soaking in this big backyard, walking to get the mail in the evenings, and...

We Gotcha Covered!

9:10 AM
One of the (many) hidden gems of this house is the swimming pool.  It was super gross when we moved in and we knew that it needed to be one of the first "fixes" that we should tackle.  Joey's dad drove down this past weekend with a friend and they helped Joey clean it out and put a Meyco safety cover over it so that we could one, pass inspection and two, sleep...

This Old House

8:19 AM
It's been a long 4 months, but we are now the proud owners of this 1966 Ranch.  Sorry... there's no "wow factor" yet.  (wah-wah) We are the 3rd owners in it's 50 year existence and we like to think that she is happier now that we're here.  We tell her all the time that we're going to make her beautiful again and I think that makes her happy.  We will be documenting/recording...