March 2016
We've made it through the fourth molar popping through, moving into a new bedroom, a holiday, and an unexplained fever since month 16 but we made it! Month 17... how in the world? This girl is silly, smarter than we give her credit for, and not afraid to wave and speak to anyone. (And I mean anyone!) She says "hi" to everyone; everywhere and more than once.

Age: 17 months
Stats: 23 lbs 2 ounces
Sleep: Still going to bed around 8:30 and waking up at 8:30. Naps about an hour & a half.
Clothing: I'm loving all the sweet little Spring dresses that are out right now. There are a couple dresses from last year I'm hoping that'll work with a cute pair of leggings this year. She's wearing a size 6 shoe already!! Her "little" feet are so long and skinny.
Favorite Foods: Marshmallows, carrots, tortillas, cinnamon toast, yogurt, french fries, and banana pudding gelato! She didn't eat much while she was sick, which is why she lost a few ounces but the past 3 days she's eaten normally.
Words: "Hi, bird". She said it. Our new house sounds like it's in the middle of a rainforest. There are tons of birds and she loves to sit in the doorway to watch and listen. This past week, she repeated "hi, bird" and we all fainted. She's also started reading... well, she'll grab a piece of paper and pretend she's reading. It sounds more like... nabba, nabba, nabba, nabba.
Favorite Things
Favorite Activities: Looking at flap books can keep her busy for several, several minutes. (Shout out to Karen Kratz!) Also stickers. And let me repeat, stickers. She decorates herself, her room, and anything else. She got a pack of Easter stickers in her Easter basket and they're pretty much gone already.
Funny Things I Do: Oh my gosh, where do I start? Shrugging her shoulders, shaking her booty while sitting on her knees, and my favorite has to be when she pretends to blow her nose.
Other Milestones: We're so close to walking, but not yet. We're trying everything... but she's proven to us that she's not going to until she's ready.
Watching her go through her Easter basket was definitely a highlight for us! Her favorite thing in her basket was this chicken popper... She thinks it's hysterical. (These are also great toys for children that need to strengthen their hand muscles.)
This Momma thing is so hard sometimes, but completely worth every last nerve, late appointment, leaky sippy cup, or sleepless night. She's the squirmiest little bundle of happiness and love that answers to, "Bunny", "Bugaboo", "Julie-Baby", "Jules", "Ju-Ju-Bee", &
Conference room, everyone!
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