*Month 16*

8:22 PM
In the midst of cardboard boxes, we've managed to keep life going as normal as possible but I'm sure Juliet is wondering what in the world is going on.  Her room is a 1/3 of the way packed away, so far.   We sold her poppy red dresser before the move to another couple expecting a little boy in May.  I was so happy that it was going to another Mama and baby to enjoy.  Her room...

Treasure Baskets & Discovery Boxes

7:51 AM
Play is such an important part of child development, but so many times I've heard parents say... "They only wanted to play with the box". It's Christmas morning and your child has just opened this flashy, light-up, noisy toy and yet you turn around to see them playing with the packaging.  Why is that?  Why do all children share the same interest in the box, the wrapping paper,...

February Outfits

10:49 AM
I can't get away with the heart onesies or red and pink outfits as well as Juliet so it's extremely fun to dress her for holidays, especially Valentine's Day.  We are recouping from our 3 snow days at home and I thought it would be a fun time to share a few cute Valentine outfits that I've come across before they're all gone!  Last year she was such a tiny little peanut in her I "heart"...