*Month 16*

8:22 PM
In the midst of cardboard boxes, we've managed to keep life going as normal as possible but I'm sure Juliet is wondering what in the world is going on.  Her room is a 1/3 of the way packed away, so far.   We sold her poppy red dresser before the move to another couple expecting a little boy in May.  I was so happy that it was going to another Mama and baby to enjoy.  Her room in the new house is a little less "nursery" and a little bit more "playroom".  She's getting to be a big girl!  The calendar says 16 months, but my Mama brain can't seem to except it.  

Age:  16 months

Stats: 22 lbs even

Sleep:  Sleeps through the night- Naps are usually about an hour & a half.

Clothing: Still fits 12-18 clothes but we've started wearing a couple 24 month & 2T things.  (Mostly dresses since the weather has been nice!)  Pajamas all day- Ery' day!

Favorite Foods:  Pineapple, pasta, french toast, Ritz crackers, sweet potato fries, graham crackers, Chick-Fil-A nuggets, & grapes.

Words:  We're talking now!  (Well, saying more than Da & Mama.)  She pretends to talk on the phone but hasn't learned the art of conversation.  All she says is "He-doe" or "He-woe"... both meaning "Hello"!  She has a stuffed puppy that she loves- "puh" and she can say Jack, which usually comes out "Jay".  

Favorite Activities:  Cleaning up is a big thing lately. Since we moved and every room is basically a disaster, I've let her play in boxes with stickers.  She loves the foam ones from Target that come in a box.  (She can peel those easily!)  Afterwards she will help pick up every little piece of paper and sticker left behind. Two fun interests combined! Also, I've got to get this girl her own makeup bag.  Maybe clean out some old containers and pallets for her to play with... I can't keep her out of mine!  Bath time has become I favorite.  It's always more fun when you add a few glow sticks.  (I bought these at the Dollar Tree for her Valentine mailbox.  You can also buy them here.)  I have found that they also help distract her when she's being fussy in stores or in the car.  

Favorite Things:

Funny Things I Do:  She makes the best faces in the mirror!  She also hugs herself now.  It's seriously the cutest thing.  She hugs herself as tight as she can and pats her arm with her hand.  Now if you say "I", she'll hug herself (for love) and then say "you" in the sweetest, highest pitched voice.  And I save the best for last----- making spit bubbles.  

Other Milestones:  Talking more and she has taken 3 steps... progress!  Also we've started using just a little bit of fluoride toothpaste this month.  Not everyday, just a couple times a week to make sure her teeth are getting really clean.  For the other times, I just use the non-flouride toothpaste.  


We celebrated Valentine's Day with balloons, presents, and another house showing!  (Ha!  For a back-up offer.)  Juliet had her first day-date at the aquarium with Jack.  They had so much fun see the sharks and sting-rays.  We even got to pet a starfish!

Treasure Baskets & Discovery Boxes

7:51 AM
Play is such an important part of child development, but so many times I've heard parents say... "They only wanted to play with the box". It's Christmas morning and your child has just opened this flashy, light-up, noisy toy and yet you turn around to see them playing with the packaging.  Why is that?  Why do all children share the same interest in the box, the wrapping paper, and/or the bows?  It's called Heuristic play.  The theory was coined by child psychologist Elinor Goldschmeid.  It's nothing knew, honestly.  Her theory basically indicates that children focus more on discovering the properties of an object rather than the object itself.  Our ancestors knew this about children, without realizing it.  They gave us pots and pans, spoons, pitchers to pour water, cups, funnels, rocks, mud, and they didn't have to store half the junk most parents of today do.  

"Treasure Baskets/Discovery Boxes" are part of Heuristic play and you can implement them from the time your baby can sit up until about 18 months.  They are baskets full of objects that range from random items to items that share a common attribute, like this reflective items basket I made for Jules a couple months ago.  

They should be items that are found around the house/yard that will stimulate baby's senses.  Nothing plastic or electronic seeing that those toys are usually very similar and can become boring very quickly.  I usually update the items every 2 weeks or so.  Sometimes her interest lasts for longer depending on the items.  I love to sit back without interrupting and watch her explore and concentrate on each item intently.  It's like the Tupperware drawer on steroids!  

Make sure the items are not too small or too dangerous.  However, at times I've put a few things in like small magnets and clothespins that I wouldn't normally let her play with, but wanted her to have the experience of magnetism and resistance. I sat with her and supervised while she played with them, then took them away when I had to leave.  It's also a safe way to tell your baby, "yes, you can play with these things" and you won't feel like you're constantly telling them, no-no. 

Children love playing with anything from the adult world and pretty much anything that was NOT meant for them, right?  It gives them a feeling of autonomy which leads to self confidence and happiness.  And don't we all want that for our little ones?

Other treasure basket ideas that were a big hit:

Shapes (2D & 3D)
Primary Colors
Rooms of Home (Bathroom/Kitchen)
Black & White

Happy Tuesday and I hope you are having a great week!

February Outfits

10:49 AM
I can't get away with the heart onesies or red and pink outfits as well as Juliet so it's extremely fun to dress her for holidays, especially Valentine's Day.  We are recouping from our 3 snow days at home and I thought it would be a fun time to share a few cute Valentine outfits that I've come across before they're all gone!  Last year she was such a tiny little peanut in her I "heart" U onesie from Old Navy.  
Other than these pajamas and outfits, there are a few things that Juliet has had for a while that she's been wearing quite often this month!  Like these Carters pajamas and this outfit from Carters.  (It's no longer available from the store but you can still buy it on Amazon.)

pajamas  :  dress  :  necklace  :  shoes  :  tee

boots  :  backpack  :  pajamas  :  hat  :  sweatshirt

What are some traditions that you guys enjoy for Valentine's with your cuties?  Making cookies? Wearing festive clothes? Mailing cute little valentines to friends and family? Making gifts for each other?  Juliet will be sending out a few valentines this year and I've been eyeing these for a while... how cute is it that you can personalize them?  Happy February everyone!