Juliet's "Woodsy" 1st Birthday Brunch

11:45 AM
Sweet little 1 year old Juliet... This was your special weekend and we've had so much fun celebrating you and all your milestones!  It's been a year full of happy moments, funny moments, those "I just need a minute" moments, and moments of feeling an overwhelming amount of responsibility, but hearing you squeal at the site of your party decorations and balloons made it complete....

First Birthday Photos

6:49 PM
It's the beginning of birthday celebrations for us over here in the Lishia-house!  To kick off the festivities, here are Juliet's birthday photos that we took back in September with Princesse and the Pea Photography.  Elise has the sweetest little miniature horses and the moment I found little riding pants for Jules, I knew the horses had to be a part of her first birthday shoot!...

Bedtime & Bathtime

10:18 PM
We have two new front teeth as well as a baby that can soothe herself to sleep!  We love rocking her and giving her all of our attention, especially at bedtime, but we also wanted her to get to where she could soothe herself to sleep now that she's getting older.  After contacting a few of my mama friends and talking about what worked best for them, we combined a couple ideas and came up...