*Month 7*

8:03 PM
I just put away all of her 3-6 month clothes and we are now in 6-9 or 6-12, mostly.  Emotional times, I tell ya.  As far as firsts are concerned or special moments, Juliet went to Sunday school for the first time.  She didn't cry when we left and when we ran went to get her she was asleep on one of the teachers.  Needless to say, I think she felt comfortable there!  Her...

Memorial Day Getaway

6:26 PM
I'll admit it... today, I'm sulking because it's all over.  We had such fun time at Ocean Isle with friends!  It was Juliet's first time at the beach and we loved taking her to experience another first.   She wasn't a fan of the water... She'd rather stay on her sand pallet with her toys.   She trembled all over watching the waves and "pouty lipped" when we put her toes in the...

Mother's Day Weekend

7:17 PM
Not only was this (technically) my first Mother's Day, we also dedicated Juliet at church this  morning.  I was so excited that we were able to be apart of the Mother's Day dedication; it made it all the more memorable.  She made the day so special just by being her happy, silly self.  Here are some more snapshots of the day... (minus the part where I had a sick, splitting...