Well, our girl is a blanket baby.  She uses her thumb + a blanket to chew/rub on to soothe herself to sleep.  She hasn't felt the best this weekend.  I'm chalking it up to allergies.  Everything is covered in pollen and we are all sneezing, red eyed, and snotty.  Ugh.  Nevertheless, it was a fun weekend full of jelly beans, plastic eggs, and peeps!

My father-in-law came down from PA Saturday, so we had some of our Charlotte family over and Joey threw some chicken on the grill.  It was so fun having the kiddos over to play with Juliet.  She thinks they are hysterical. Plus, you can't go wrong with a lot of family and a lot of food!

My Pal Violet was her bunny gift from my mom, which she has gotten to play with for the past month, but we still brought it out and put it with her Easter basket.

One of our Spring Break outings was spent hitting up Target the day after Easter for all the sale goodies!  I was able to buy her an Easter basket for next year as well as some other fun stuff.
All of it was 50% off!

Here are some other snap shots of our week together! :)

Babies!!  They make me say things like, Staaaaaappp!  It was such a fun week of doing whatever we wanted; shopping, lunches with Daddy, 5-hour playdates, brunch with friends, doctor visits, and preparing myself for two more months of school.  
All my teacher friends, repeat with me:  "Two. More. Months... We. Can. Do. This!" :)