*Month 5*

8:28 PM
This month has been full of "firsts".  We started her on cereal and when she got the hang of that, we have started adding "first foods".  We bought the Beech-Nut brand baby food, which I think tastes the best, and so far she has had apples, pears, bananas, and sweet potatoes. As of Sunday, she can blow raspberries.  I can remember the day so well because we all, including...

Eating Cereal & Making Muffins + Jelly

7:07 PM
It's March already?  When I started back to school in January I dreaded being away from Juliet for so long.  I'm glad to say that the semester is almost over and this mama is counting down the days! We took Juliet to see her doctor on Friday and after those horrible shots were over he gave us the go ahead to start her on cereal.  Yay! 15 pounds :  5.4 ounces : 25 1/4 inches...

Tummy Time

9:20 PM
Juliet's favorite toy now is a play table that my sister-in-law gave us and she absolutely loves it! :)  I love the occupational therapy side of my job.  During college I had to take several OT classes and they were so interesting.  I remember reading and being so inspired.  I wanted to implement what I was learning immediately.  Well now, I'm getting to dust off those...

Anniversary Weekend & Entry Update

7:08 PM
This weekend was extra special.  We celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary Sunday!  We honestly celebrated all weekend long.  I was surprised Friday at work by our FedEx man carrying flowers.  (The flowers were from Joey, not our FedEx man.)  We also spent Saturday night hanging wallpaper together, (which was actually a blast).  We binged on Netflix, (bought groceries...