*Month 1*

1:28 PM
It's so fun getting to know her!  As little as she is, she already has her likes and dislikes.  She has always liked her bath time.  She makes the sweetest sounds when she feels the warm water, plus she yawns the whole time- it's seriously the sweetest thing to watch!  And when all else fails this little girl loves to rock; in her glider that is... I think it has to do with...

4 Weeks of Juliet

8:02 PM
It doesn't seem possible that Jules is almost a month old.  When you say 4 weeks, it sounds sooooo long.  When you live it, it goes by toooo fast.  I no longer live for Fridays...  I live for everyday; including Mondays! :)  We've enjoyed every minute of being parents, even the rough parts!  Here are the last 4 weeks in snapshots. Week 1- Her first week...

The Bump

9:43 PM
So now that the watermelon "bump" is gone I can enjoy so many things that I have missed for 9 months.  (Well, like 6 months...)  However, I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Here are a few things that I've enjoyed now that it's gone... 1.  Sleeping comfortably. 2.  Brushing my teeth and being able to reach the sink to spit! :) 3.  Giving hugs. 4.  Being hugged. 5....

Bath-time Baby!

5:22 PM
Time continues to fly right on by without any regards to our feelings.  LOL! Good news however, her umbilical cord finally all came off this week!  (After partially falling off within the first week of being home and then having to get cauterized; twice.)  So tonight, we decided to give her her very first bath at home.    I was very anxious to see how she would react....